Mon 27 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Sensual and relaxing body rub by sexy Miranda. Enjoy the Best!! - 27
(Panama City, Near P.C. Mall and downtown area)
To Relax Call JoYcE TaKiNg Calls ALL DAY SuNdAY and WeekDay Evenings 6 Til late - 48
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area Panama City)
**Holiday Special: Take $20 Off 1Hour OR $30 Off 90 Min Rubbing/Massage NOW ~ Jan 2nd** - 46
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Okaloosa, Panama City)
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention ALL WEEK starting at 9:30 am - 50
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(In Your City)
Spend your time with me and leave with a smile on your face!!!! - 27
(Panama City, Near the mall/Downtown Area)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention/Available 9 am til 9 pm Break from 5 pm - 7 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
To Relax Call JoYcE TaKiNg Calls AfTer 5 for Apts WeekDay Evenings 6 Til late - 48
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention starting at 9:30 am - 5 pm & 7 pm - 8:30 - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Naomi Body Rubs & Tantalizing Touches by Mia offering 4 hand specials Thursday thru Monday!! ::FWB:: - 30
(Panama City, FWB)
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call JoYce to ReLaX Avail weekday evenings 7 pm - 9 pm this week & today, Thurs. - 49
(Panama City, St Andrews Area Panama City)
Sensual Body Rub by Miranda. Leave your massage happy!!!! - 27
(Panama City, Near the mall/Downtown Area)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention/NOT AVAILABLE WEEKEND/ AVAIL MON-FRIDAY 10-4 - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
**Extended!! Take $20 Off Any Appointment Through Thur Oct 24th!!!** - 46
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Panama City)
**Holiday’s Special: Take $20 Off Any Rubbing/Massage** - 46
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Okaloosa, Panama City)
=====Tall, attractive, articulate, intelligent, mature professional passing thru Pensacola ===== - 36
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Sensual and relaxing body rub by sexy Miranda. Enjoy the Best!! - 27
(Panama City, Near P.C. Mall and downtown area)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
x x Mature, sexy, tall, intelligent, experienced, elegant, caucasian sweetheart visiting - 36
Sensual and relaxing body rub by sexy Miranda. Enjoy the Best!! - 27
(Panama City, About a mile from mall and downtown area)
To Relax Call Joyce after 5 pm Mon - Friday and All Day Sat & Sun - 47
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area Panama City)
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Sat 11 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise 9 am til 8 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Call Joyce to ReLaX this Week and/or upcoming Weekend - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Here's all the Dirty Details on Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town.
(Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee)
Wed 08 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention/ CURRENTLY BOOKED FRIDAY/AVAIL SATURDAY - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
To Relax & Leave w/ a SMILE, Call JOYCE Hours TODAY ONLY from 2:30 pm til 4:30 or 7 pm or 7:30pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Tue 07 Jan
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Mon 06 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention/Saturday 3/26/16 10 am - 9 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Sun 05 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention Today 9:30am til 5:30pm and 7pm til 9pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Sat 04 Jan
(Panama City, 23rd St Panama city, Fl 32405)
Fri 03 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Thu 02 Jan